Data Privacy Policy for the self-governing institution Swinging Europe
Date last modified: 16.05.2018

Swinging Europe’s data responsibility
We process personal information and have therefore adopted this Privacy Policy, which briefly tells you how we treat your personal information to ensure fair and transparent processing.
Throughout our data processing, we only treat personal data for specific purposes and based on legitimate interests. We process only personal information that is relevant and necessary for fulfilling the stated purposes and we will delete your information when they are no longer necessary.

Contact information on the data controller
Swinging Europe is the data controller and we ensure that your personal information is processed in accordance with the laws.
Contact Information:
Contact person: Adm. Director Marie Lilholt
Address: Nørregade 7D, 7400 Herning
CVR: 32978665
Phone no .: +45 51 16 89 95

Processing of personal data
We treat the following personal information:
1) Information about participants in our projects:
– General Personal Information:
o Registration and contact information such as name, gender, address, phone number, date of birth and e-mail address
– Personal data added to a higher degree of protection:
o Health information in connection with certain projects

2) Information about staff and board members:
– General Personal Information:
o Contact information such as name, address, phone number and e-mail address
o Other information about trust posts, other duties related to the organization and bank account number
– Personal data added to a higher degree of protection:
o social security number
o Information about criminal offenses when obtaining a child’s certificate

We collect information from
Normally we get the information from you. In some cases there may be other sources:
• Public authorities, eg. necessary tax information on payroll
• Social media that is publicly available

Organisation’s purpose of processing your personal information
We treat your personal information for specific purposes when we have a legitimate reason.
Legal reasons for treatment are special:
• The legitimate interests of the organization in processing your information (the interest rate rule)
• That it is necessary to fulfill a contract with you
• Treatment according to legal requirements
• Treatment with consent

The objectives:
1) Purpose of processing information on participants in our projects:
• As part of organizational activities, including planning, implementation and follow-up of projects
• Compliance with legal requirements
• Managing your relationship with us

2) Purpose of processing information on permanent and project staff and board members:
• Managing employee duties and duties in the organization
• Overview and improvement of experience and competencies, including courses
• Compliance with legal requirements
• Payment of salaries, allowances, refunds and the like
• Managing your relationship with us

We only treat personal information based on legitimate interests
To the extent that we process your personal information based on the Weighing Rules, this treatment will be motivated only by legitimate interests such as:
• Exercise of activities and projects
• Organization of social events and other activities
• Use of scenarios taken in the organization or in connection with projects in the organization that depict a concrete activity or situation in the organization
• For practical and administrative reasons, we will keep your general personal information also for a period after your participation in projects or after termination of your employment
• For children and adolescents under the age of 18, for information purposes, information about the parents can be dealt with
• Preservation of information with historical value for statistics and the like

Most often, our processing of your personal data will be based on a different legitimate basis than consent. We therefore collect only your consent when it is necessary to process your personal information for the purposes described above.
If we obtain your consent, you will voluntarily agree, and you may withdraw it at any time by notifying us.
When we collect personal information about children and adolescents, we assess whether the child is able to provide the relevant personal information. If not, we will obtain consent from a parent. Our starting point is 15 years.

Dispatch of your personal information
In connection with projects and activities involving collaborators, it may be necessary to pass project participants’ personal data to relevant organizations. These can be located inside and outside the EU. We do not disclose personal information to these without your consent.

Personal information about permanent employees and project staff is transferred to organizations where Swinging Europe collaborates. Likewise, disclosure of personal data to external salary manager and audit firm.

There is a transfer of personal information to board members to Handelsbanken, in which the organisation has its accounts.

We do not disclose personal data to companies for marketing without your consent.

Storage and deletion of your personal information
We have different treatment and storage periods depending on whether we treat your personal data as a project participant, as a permanent employee, project officer or member of the board:

Project participants:
We will keep your personal information for a period from the end of the project and in accordance with the following criteria:
• For practical and administrative reasons, we keep your general personal data for up to 3 years after the calendar year for the completion of the project
We will keep your personal information for a period from the end of your work and in accordance with the following criteria:
• For practical and administrative reasons, we will keep your regular personal data for up to 1 year after your work has ended
Permanent employees and project staff:
We will keep your personal information for a period from the end of your work and in accordance with the following criteria:
• Billing attachment, including eg. wage bill must be stored for 5 years from the end of the financial year to which the Annex relates
• Other relevant information for follow-up and consideration of any requirements are stored for 5 years after the work has ended
However, we keep information on project participants, permanent employees, project staff and board members for statistics and the like as long as they have historical value.

Your rights
You have a number of special rights under the Personal Data Regulation when we process personal information about you:
• The right to be informed about the processing of data
• The right to access personal data
• The right to rectification
• The right to delete
• The right to limit treatment
• The right to data portability (data transmission in a commonly used format)
• The right of objection
You may make use of your rights, including objections to our treatment, by contacting us. You can find our contact information at the top.
For example, if you requesting you to correct or delete your personal information, we will investigate whether the conditions are met and, in that case, make changes or deletions as soon as possible.
You can always file a complaint with a data protection authority, eg. Data Protection Agency.

Revision of privacy policy
We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy from time to time. Changes will change the date at the top of the privacy policy. The current privacy policy will be available on our website. In case of significant changes, you will receive notification.